Friday, May 11, 2007

Soul Cards

These are my first Soul Cards.

The first one is

The Me That Always Puts a Good Face On It.


I'm the one who always wants things to look good. The one who needs approval every step of the way be it relationships or grooming or the actions of my children. I'm the one who always has to rehash a conversation to find out how stupid I sounded, or what I should have said. I'm the one who feels physically ugly and unattractive.


I give you the power to be yourself. Be the person you are. I give you permission to be different. To not take on the actions of others as your own. I give you your own true self. I give you permission to love that self wholeheartedly.


I want you to love yourself just the way you are. I want you to not be critical of yourself or your motives or your actions. I want you to not care what others think. I want you to know that you're a beautiful old soul who deserved to be honored by others and yourself. Be true to yourself and your dreams.


Be yourself.

The One Who Hopes


I'm the one who doubts, then hopes she believes correctly. I'm the one who denounces religions that believe in a hell. I'm the one who is so liberal with her beliefs that she ends up being as closed minded about her own beliefs as those she chastises. I'm the one who wants to know the truth. The one who hopes she believes the right thing. The one who wants to believe.


I give you rest and relief from trying to control your destiny. I give you permission to put out to The Universe your wishes and the desires of your heart. Then let them go. The Universe knows what you need. Quit fighting it.


I want you to be open to the beliefs of others. To believe that there is something bigger than ourselves out there. To know that your son is there in a wonderful place, and that you'll see him there. I want you to know that he's not just rotting matter in the ground. I want you to quit being mad at God.


Sunday, May 06, 2007

Some Recent Artwork

Some recent artwork I've been doing since I stupidly quit my job and forgot that I now live in a tiny depressed town where jobs are at a PREMIUM.....

Come Over for an Espresso!

Mom is getting ready to move and had a great Espresso machine she never used and we were the lucky recipiants! Here's our first two cups. Knocked our socks off after drinking decaf!
Paden got me these cute little espresso cups last Christmas. Now we can use them!

Getting the Garden Ready

Paden plants his seeds. I got him heirloom seeds this year so he can replant from this year's seeds next year and perhaps have some to sell. Bro came over and tilled the garden spot for us! What would we do without him?

Michi Loses Her Hair!

Both of our cats are rescues and Michi Magick has always had a problem with matting. There was never a way to get rid of the huge and terrible knots in her undercoat, so I started cutting away. She helped by biting back the layers which I'd cut off. Even the groomer wouldn't touch her. Not with clippers or anything.... Finally all her hair was GONE! Her body felt like a baby's butt. She only weighs four pounds and she looked SO tiny with her masses of hair gone! I bought her a chihuahua size dog sweater, but you know how cats in clothes go... flat over on her side. She was amazingly warm to the touch! I was so glad. Now her undercoat is coming in with no knots! She's more playful with Nada and even more loving, if that's possible. I'm sure it'll be months until her guard coat comes in... She and Nada (who is a nurse cat, worried about everyone) have become such good buddies since the event. We've changed their diets and that may have something to do with both her attitude and her nicer coat. The fact that the people who had her before bred her almost to death doesn't help her overall condition either...

And Now Some Veggie Goodies!!

Paden makes killer fritattas!! If we can start using an egg replacement, we'll be VEGAN.
Some peeniebutter cookies and a great whole wheat crust bread with soy cheese!
I think soy cheese has more flavor than 'real' cheese!

A Tiny Bit of Short, Sweet Spring

Spring seemed like it was finally COMING!!!!!

Until the last week in April when we got what they called 'An Historical Storm'... Joy....

And what do two cats do during An Historical Storm????

More Winter

We live on the very top of one of the highest mountains in our little town, so if it snows anywhere, it snows here..... Wish you were here....

The Long, Cold Winter

No posts from me since last summer and now Paden has some of this year's garden planted! I hate to post the photos of the hard winter we had because I really don't want to relive it. The snow started just before Halloween and ended two weeks ago! It's MAY for God's sake! They're talking freezing temps tonight, so we're hoping the baby spinaches and beans are OK...

Are you ready for some snow????? Here it is!!